Do we need a longer term solution?

We are asked this question a great deal because it seems only logical, to many, that we not keep moving from one short term location to another.

If put on a Short Term Tenancy, an NGO is given about 3-5 years on a property. This can be exceedingly difficult. In our case:

  • Building a proper facility for this work will take 3-4 years to build, after which it would make no sense to tear it down and start over.
  • Building that facility will also take funding too and, if sponsors do provide for this work, it would be unreasonable for them to see the entirety torn down after a short term, only for a new one to be built and so on.  

Wonderfully, we have sponsors willing to help fund an appropriate facility. (We even have an architect who has worked with us, pro bono, for twenty years and says it is his dream to design that facility before he dies!) So a lot of goodwill and dedication surrounds us, but not for a three year lease. Wisdom dictates we build appropriately, but once, with usage for many years to come.

Note: it is also important to add that, when we are undergoing construction, we have to reduce, and, at times, even stop, the services we run. This means that, for this period, we help fewer people. Generally, it costs Crossroads three years to do all that is needed for such a move so, to do this repeatedly, with a series of 3 or 4 year leases, means our services would be in constant disruption. 


Stakeholders have expressed dismay that we are moving again after the very hard work so many did moving us, just seven years ago, within our current site.  We have therefore told them that, in light of the massive reconstruction often needed, we will not settle on a site unless it has appropriate length of tenure.