‘A Day in The Life of a Refugee’ at the 2017 World Economic Forum
“It’s really important that you do this because it lets you understand what we go through.’ The young refugee...
When a Sofa Bed is More Than a Sofa Bed
We deliberately photographed these men from behind. We wanted to be sure we didn’t show their faces. Mr Kwan...
Aston Carter: Mentorship Empowering Asylum Seekers
“Nobody is born to be a refugee,” says Isaac, from a war-ravaged African nation. “Nobody chooses to be one.”...
Hope For Those Without Hope
“Every time I went home, I felt so depressed, because of the condition of our flat. I even attempted...
New Tech for Adults with Disabilities
Computers from Crossroads are helping the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Councils’ Shun Tin hostel care better for the 19 adults with...
Loving Her Kids Into Their Future
After her husband died, Mrs Szeto felt like the only way forward in her grief was to focus on...
Silver Lining Foundation
The Silver Lining Foundation lives up to its name. Their work is with orphans and abandoned children so they...
New Life for Electrical Waste
Each year Hong Kong generates around 70,000 tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). That’s the weight of...
15th Annual AmCham Women of Influence Awards
Sally Begbie, co-founder of Crossroads, was selected by AmCham as the Non-profit Leader of the Year 2018 at the...