首頁 Oyungaa, of Mongolia, lives in a two room apartment with her twin daughters, her sister and her mother. Oyungaa’s young daughters both have displaced hip joints and they need a series of operations, but Oyungaa faces the challenge with the fortitude for which the Mongolian people are famous.
She trained as an artist, and now works to earn enough not only to pay for her daughters’ medical expenses, but to put herself through university.
In a city where hundreds are so poor that they scavenge rubbish for a few dollars a day, Oyungaa’s success is due, in part, to an opportunity she found through Mary and Martha Mongolia, a small company which helps develop business opportunities for Mongolian artists. Today, Oyungaa uses her artistic talents to produce beautiful silk scarves for Mary and Martha Mongolia, and much of the income this creates pays for the operations and medical expenses that her daughters need.

Global Handicrafts sells a number of products from Mary and Martha Mongolia. You can find some of their felted products in our online shop, with more in-store!