Welcome to our new simulation, HydroHero!

《滴惜英雄 滴滴惜》免費試玩場次

HydroHero! You are invited for an exclusive free preview.



This is Crossroads’ new family-friendly water saving activity. You are invited this summer for an exclusive, FREE preview! Limited places available.


我們早前應香港水務署邀請設計一個全新模擬體驗活動《滴惜英雄 滴滴惜》,誠邀你們一家一起認識這個至關重要的環球議題,不但體會全球二十億人口缺乏清潔用水的困境,更出謀獻策以可持續的方式回應本地需要。

Have you ever wondered how to speak to your children about humanity’s water crisis?

We invite you to join us for a new programme on this important topic that has been developed by Crossroads at the request of the Government’s Hong Kong Water Supplies Department. It is called ‘HydroHero’. You will also explore the burden shouldered by two billion individuals who lack access to clean water around the world and how we can respond to this challenge by pursuing local water sustainability. And you’ll have fun!

This programme is designed for families with children between 6 and 12 years old.


– 22/6(六)1400-1600 [粵語] (Book here)
– 29/6 (六)1100-1300 [英語] (Book here)
– 6/7 (六)1100-1300 [英語] (Book here)
– 20/7(六)1400-1600 [粵語] (Book here)


The free preview programmes will happen at the following times:

Saturday 22 June, [Cantonese] 2 – 4 pm (Book here)
Saturday 29 June, [English] 11 – 1 pm (Book here)
Saturday 6 July, [English] 11 – 1 pm (Book here)
Saturday 20 July, [Cantonese] 2 – 4 pm (Book here)

Limited places available. Book now!

Crossroads Foundation Hong Kong