Uganda: Time to Read

Children from a Ugandan slum district have their library bookshelves full for the first time, after a shipment from Hong Kong delivered boxes and boxes of books along with goods to boost the entire community.

It’s hard to fathom how much suffering people in this region like Maama Zawedde have seen. A widow herself, Maama Zawedde now takes care of orphans who lost their parents in Northern Uganda’s horrific conflict, as well as encouraging and supporting countless others displaced by the conflict.


It’s children like Maama Zawedde’s charges who benefited from the school library and other school equipment sent in the container from Crossroads (above).

While Maama Zawedde’s heart couldn’t be bigger, her resources are paltry. She tries to care for her charges as well as she can on almost no income, and often goes hungry.

When aid workers offered the elderly woman some new clothes for herself, she could hardly put together her thanks. “I am speechless,” she said. “New clothes? Not old! New shoes,  toys… I just cannot say  anything.”


“She shed tears of happiness,” said aid workers. “It was the first time she had experienced such a donation from anyone”

“We cannot express our happiness to you but we shall keep saying to you a very BIG THANK YOU,” wrote our partners after receiving Crossroads’ container. “We have distributed more than half of the goods received and the people here are so happy.”

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Uganda Snapshot

Population: 37.58 million
Capital: Kampala

Uganda is a fertile, land-locked country in East Africa, in the Africa Great Lakes region, with a tropical climate.

Great progress has been made in fighting HIV in Uganda, but 1.5 million people still live with the disease, and there are 1 million children orphaned by HIV/AIDS.

39% of girls are married by the age of 18. 37.7% of people in Uganda live below the international poverty line of US$1.25/day.


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