Cameroon is ranked just 151 out of 189 on the Human Development Index and struggles with a number of challenges. Across the country there is limited access to healthcare and education facilities, particularly in rural areas. Economic development has been slow, and poor infrastructure prevents many communities from accessing the services that they need. Making the situation more difficult is the increasing tension and violence in Cameroon’s English speaking regions, where escalating conflict has led to the displacement of many thousands of people.

Our NGO partners in Cameroon work tirelessly across a number of fronts to help alleviate the difficulties faced by communities there. They run schooling projects including a computer training centre, support orphanages in the care of children, lead poverty reduction schemes in several areas, and work with women to empower them with the skills they need to find employment. The work that our partners carry out reaches many local communities in Cameroon, and they estimate that the goods they received in this shipment will directly benefit some 10,000 people in the coming years.

“Since we received these items, there has been a different atmosphere in our school. It has led to increased productivity and ensured we were awarded a high score in the First School Living Certificate” – Beneficiary School

(Above) New desks and chairs, donated from Hong Kong, have transformed teaching and learning for rural students.

(Above) Teachers’ offices were equipped with new computers and printers.


The goods sent in this shipment have been impactful in many ways, here are just a few key examples:

  • Hospital items were distributed to an undersupplied clinic, saving them around US$12,000
  • Chairs, desks, office supplies and canteen equipment were given to a local primary school, saving them roughly US$30,000 and allowing for the construction of two new classrooms
  • New computers allowed for the expansion of our partners training centre, increasing their intake from 700 to 1500 students


The goods that were received in this shipment will continue to have an impact on people’s lives for many years to come, and have proven even more vital in the context of Cameroon’s current tensions. We, our NGO partners, and the beneficiaries are all very grateful for your kind donations and support.






“Over 1,600 pupils have benefited from the books and other school equipment in Yaounde and over 3,000 in the South West Region.”      NGO Director

Reference No. : S3048

Hope after incarceration: Zambia

“I was doing Grade 7 when my father was sentenced to life imprisonment,” recounts Bodiao. “Life came to a standstill as...

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Liberia: Youth empowerment

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? Liberia as a nation is still suffering deep social and economic wounds from a civil war that ended...

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Syria: Aid and empowerment for refugees

Shipment Feedback: The conflict in Syria continues to devastate lives and communities, with thousands of people still displaced and living in flimsy...

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Cameroon: Educating and rebuilding

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? When we first started working with our Cameroonian partners in 2010, they were planning and working on...

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Crossroads’ partners on this shipment serve a community of 250,000 in rural Kenya, where many are living in poverty. The work our partners do in their community is helping children break their family’s cycle of poverty, first by supporting them to stay in school, then offering recreational and educational activities for youth, and then income generating schemes once they have finished school.

Crossroads’ shipment included a wide range of goods that helped equip and expand their projects, such as books to start one community’s first ever library, furniture to fit out a school where children previously didn’t have enough chairs and desks for students, and more. Clothing and other basic necessities proved an invaluable way for them to reach out to more women, teenaged girls and young mothers. Because of the relationships built through this distribution, they now have more than 200 new enrolments in their financial literacy programme! From this, women are then supported to start their own small businesses to support their families.

“The multiplier effect of these goods cannot be underestimated!” – NGO staff

Our partners estimate that around 5,000 people have been directly and indirectly impacted by the goods from this shipment. The school goods in particular are a capital investment that will support children for many years to come, allowing children to stay in school who otherwise were at risk of dropping out. We are very grateful to all who contributed to this shipment, through donations of goods, funding and volunteer efforts. Thank you for caring for those in rural Kenya!

(Above) High quality new shoes for both children and adults were distributed to some of the area’s most vulnerable. Many had never worn shoes before at all, and owning a new pair was a first for them.

(Above) Staff unload goods from the shipment in rural Kenya.

(Above) Sporting goods, school desks and chairs, and books for the community’s first ever library (below) have been a capital investment far beyond their face value, in desperately under-resourced communities.

Reference No. S3284

Hope after incarceration: Zambia

“I was doing Grade 7 when my father was sentenced to life imprisonment,” recounts Bodiao. “Life came to a standstill as...

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Liberia: Youth empowerment

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? Liberia as a nation is still suffering deep social and economic wounds from a civil war that ended...

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Syria: Aid and empowerment for refugees

Shipment Feedback: The conflict in Syria continues to devastate lives and communities, with thousands of people still displaced and living in flimsy...

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Cameroon: Educating and rebuilding

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? When we first started working with our Cameroonian partners in 2010, they were planning and working on...

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What do you give the person who has everything?

Hong Konger Yi Li first visited our site as a secondary student, on an educational trip with her school. When she was working for the W Hotel, she thought of Crossroads again, organising a company team-building day volunteering with us. This year, when her birthday rolled around, Yi Li knew just what she wanted as a birthday gift from her friends: a day together, volunteering with us!

“Usually for a birthday celebration, you go out and spend a lot of money,” said Yi Li. “I just wanted to share something more meaningful with my friends. I asked for their time, instead of spending money on dinner or stuff that you don’t use.” Yi Li and eleven of her friends worked in different departments at Crossroads, putting their energy and perspiration into our electrical, computers and incoming goods departments. “It’s tiring and sweaty work,” said one friend, Claudia, “but it’s a good way to spend time together and doing something meaningful. I will come back if I can!”

It’s not every birthday girl who would opt out of presents in favour of giving back to people in need. Yi Li’s friends know she’s a pretty special person! “I have never seen anyone with a big heart like her!” said another friend, Beverly. “She’s someone who is always doing things differently and she makes sure there is meaning behind what she does,” commented another. We love champions like Yi Li, who don’t just put their own hand up to help, but spread the enthusiasm and passion for helping throughout their community. What a gift!

If you want to share the volunteering love, whether with families, friends, work colleagues or a community group, get in touch! We would love to help you bring a group to Crossroads for a day that changes lives. Email

Hope after incarceration: Zambia

“I was doing Grade 7 when my father was sentenced to life imprisonment,” recounts Bodiao. “Life came to a standstill as...

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Liberia: Youth empowerment

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? Liberia as a nation is still suffering deep social and economic wounds from a civil war that ended...

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Syria: Aid and empowerment for refugees

Shipment Feedback: The conflict in Syria continues to devastate lives and communities, with thousands of people still displaced and living in flimsy...

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Cameroon: Educating and rebuilding

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? When we first started working with our Cameroonian partners in 2010, they were planning and working on...

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A young Hong Kong widow, struggling to manage after losing her husband to cancer, told us she desperately longed to find a piano for her talented young son. A devoted mother, she had organised piano lessons, subsidised at a cheap rate, and bought him a little battery operated keyboard. “He plays it like he’s addicted to it!” she told us. Clearly, though, as he learned more, it could not support his need to practise. We don’t always have pianos in stock. The day before her visit, however, a piano had, as it happens, been donated to us. The timing was superb.

That’s one of the things we love about this work. Even a single donation, rightly placed, can be instrumental in another’s life. In this case, a young boy may see his talent flourish in ways that would otherwise be outside his reach.

Hope after incarceration: Zambia

“I was doing Grade 7 when my father was sentenced to life imprisonment,” recounts Bodiao. “Life came to a standstill as...

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Liberia: Youth empowerment

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? Liberia as a nation is still suffering deep social and economic wounds from a civil war that ended...

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Syria: Aid and empowerment for refugees

Shipment Feedback: The conflict in Syria continues to devastate lives and communities, with thousands of people still displaced and living in flimsy...

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Cameroon: Educating and rebuilding

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? When we first started working with our Cameroonian partners in 2010, they were planning and working on...

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Farmers in developing countries face many challenges their wealthier counterparts can avoid: limited access to market information, greater exposure to market forces and bad weather, lack of access to capital, and more. Each of these factors disproportionately hurt poorer farmers who, as a result, often earn far less than deserved for their crops, or may lose their crops or fields altogether. Fair Taste, a Hong Kong based organisation, works with producers in developing countries to manufacture goods that will be sold at fair prices. Fair Taste also works locally to educate the community about these producers’ plight and how fair trade can support them. Sales of Fair Taste goods ensure that producers get a fair price, and a voice in a more developed society.

Hope after incarceration: Zambia

“I was doing Grade 7 when my father was sentenced to life imprisonment,” recounts Bodiao. “Life came to a standstill as...

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Liberia: Youth empowerment

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? Liberia as a nation is still suffering deep social and economic wounds from a civil war that ended...

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Syria: Aid and empowerment for refugees

Shipment Feedback: The conflict in Syria continues to devastate lives and communities, with thousands of people still displaced and living in flimsy...

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Cameroon: Educating and rebuilding

WHO IS THIS SHIPMENT HELPING? When we first started working with our Cameroonian partners in 2010, they were planning and working on...

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