Tanzania: Vocational Training for Youth


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Farmers in northern Tanzania are living in constant threat of food insecurity. Families grow the food they need for themselves, but limited land, climate fluctuations and poor soil mean that most families are only just getting by. Parents hope for a better future for their children, and the schools are well-attended, but many of the schools lack sufficient furniture and supplies to give a full, rounded education for their students.

We are shipping to a group who targets children and youth with educational and training programmes to give them the hand-up that can help them find work after finishing school, or start their own small businesses. These activities range from extra reading classes to computer literacy, to sports, to dressmaking and welding classes. They estimate that their programmes reach about 3,000 children and youth from around the local area.

They have asked Crossroads for a shipment of goods to support these projects, including computers, furniture, school supplies, electrical and AV equipment and sports and recreational equipment.

Children get extra help in school subjects at our partners’ Educational Club.

Our partners’ Educational Club is just one of the many activities run from their main centre.


Youth unemployment is a serious problem in our partners’ region. Without specialised skills, many young people don’t know how to break out of the cycle of subsistence farming, and sadly often turn to drug dealing or petty crime to get ahead.

In 2017, our partners chose a number of youth from their projects to go through classes in welding, tailoring and advanced agriculture. After the course, all the welding trainees found jobs in garages, and the tailoring classes have created small market businesses for 40 women, who can now make and sell their own clothes.

The goods we are shipping will be used to equip and administer projects like these that help young people move beyond a subsistence lifestyle, so they can take pride in contributing to their community and supporting families of their own.

“Our region has very few industries to employ youth,” wrote our partners. Their classes in skills like computer literacy and tailoring are making a real impact on local youth unemployment.



Sponsor a container: We need HK$ 50,000 to send any of our waiting shipments on their way. Email us for a list of projects needing funds: partnerships@crossroads.org.hk

Give goods: We can help your company or group find projects that need your quality superseded goods. Email partnerships@crossroads.org.hk

Volunteer: We need regular volunteers in a huge variety of roles across the work, from manual labor to administration and specific skilled roles. Email volunteer@crossroads.org.hk

Reference No : S5137

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Tanzania Snapshot

Capital: Dodoma
Largest City: Dar es Salaam
Main languages: Swahili (official) and English, and more than 100 local languages.
Population: 55.5 million.

Tanzania, located on the eastern coast of Africa, enjoys relative peace, safety and stability. It is a heavily agricultural nation, with 80% of the population being subsistence farmers. Around 68 percent of Tanzania’s 44.9 million citizens live below the poverty line of $1.25 a day, and 32 percent of the population are malnourished.[The literacy rate for people 15 and over is 67.8%

Source: UNDP

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