Following the tragic tsunamis at Christmas 2004, the United Nations’ Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) gathered world leaders in Japan, in 2005, to establish a framework which nations could implement to see their populations kept safer: the Hyogo Framework for Action. Now, ten years on, they are re-convening governments from the nations, along with private sector leaders and major non-profit organisations to set up a revised framework. 10,000 people will gather in Japan for this conference.
The United Nations has invited Crossroads to develop a new simulation on disasters. The UNISDR is providing its expertise to anchor this simulation in reality, drawing both on its history, its international teams and its network of governments, NGOs and companies. Our development team is being advised by people who have themselves undergone disasters, humanitarian workers employed full time in this field and experts who specialise in making countries/communities resilient in the face of disaster.
More information on the 2015 conference at: