Thank you for your desire to support fair trade with your order.
If you discover you have made a mistake in your order, please contact us immediately to change or cancel your order. Please quote your order confirmation number in any correspondence. Money can be refunded for orders that are cancelled prior to being processed for shipping.
Ph: (852) 2272 9333
Fax: (852) 2771 1715
Once your order has been processed for shipping, we can no longer refund your money.
If, on receipt of goods, you are unhappy for any reason, you may ship the item(s) in question back to us (at your expense) and we will happily replace them with another of the same type or credit you for a future purchase on our online store.
Items should be shipped to:
Global Handicrafts
Crossroads Village, Bldg 20
2 Castle Peak Road,
Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Please include a copy of your receipt in the package you send to us so we can correctly identify the order and process it accordingly.