Thank you for volunteering with Crossroads! 多謝你參與國際十字路會的義工服務﹗
We always want to improve our services at Crossroads. May we ask for some quick feedback from you about your volunteer time with us? We would love to hear your comments.
Name (optional) 你的名字(不一定要提供)
I haven’t done any Global X-periences but I’d like to. Please contact me with booking details. 我還未參與任何環球X體驗,但我感興趣﹗ +
Our special thanks, again. We hope to see you again soon! 我們衷心多謝您,我們希望很快再次和您見面﹗
+ Your privacy is important to us! We will use the personal data collected on this form to improve our quality of service, including following up after your activities. To learn more about how we handle your personal data including possible transfers, your right to access, correct and update your personal data along with other important information, please visit https://www.crossroads.org.hk/privacy/
* 您的私隱對我們來說很重要﹗我們將會利用這表格收集得到的個人資料,來改善我們的服務質素,並包括在你參與活動之後進行跟進。如您你想了解更多我們如何處理您的個人資料,包括有可能的轉移、您查詢個人資料的權利、更改或更新您的個人資料,以及其他重要的資料,請瀏覽https://www.crossroads.org.hk/privacy/。