Supplementary materials for schools
Looking for more ways to explore global need? We find our student participants gain much more from their simulation experience if they have engaged in the subject ahead of time in the class-room, and if the learning can continue in the classroom afterwards.
To that end, we are seeking to gather teacher-developed resources in support of the many programs we run to equip teachers as they prepare their students for a visit to Crossroads. We hope to be adding to this page across the coming year, and invite you to submit any worksheets you have developed which you feel could be helpful to other teachers.
Email with any questions or submissions.
The resources below were developed by Ann-Marie Whalley, for Crossroads:
Coffee Bean Game: Coffee bean chain of fair trade benefits
Students explore how fair trade benefits farmers and producers with a brainstorming activity. Go to PDF
Coffee Bean Game: Fair trade scavenger hunt
Students hit the supermarket aisles to explore the range and scale of fair trade products available in their local stores. Go to PDF
Coffee Bean Game: Fair trade taste tests
An opportunity to compare and contrast how fair trade products stack up to their non-fair trade competitors, and brainstorm how these products could be promoted. Go to PDF